Our Impact

One in five Americans  fail to meet the level to be considered financially literate, lacking fundamental knowledge of budgeting, investing, and more. Considering that  only 17 states require a course with some form of financial education (generally an economics class) and only 5 states require students to graduate with a specific personal finance class, the outcome of limited financial knowledge is to be expected.  Without a clear understanding of financial concepts and applications, many people (especially in low income areas) are more susceptible to low to no savings, high debt amounts, bankruptcies, foreclosures, financial dependency leading to a repetitive cycle of poverty.

Poverty in urban areas is shown to be correlated with higher levels of crime than higher income areas, If a person has limited options to make a living wage, then they may be more inclined to commit a crime to obtain the resources they lack.  Or worse, they feel such a sense of hopelessness and despair that they no longer value their life or the lives of others which may lead them  to commit violent crimes with no remorse.  What are the ways that society can move people out of this cycle of government dependency, crime and violence?  The TNL Foundation strongly believes that a person that is financially independent is less likely to commit crimes or depend on government services. TNL Foundation hopes to create as many skilled, financially independent citizens as possible by supporting or providing programs that encourage skill development and financial literacy. People with skills who  are financially literate are more likely to escape poverty, borrow less, be less dependent on government assistance and in general be wealthier  This not only helps those that are escaping poverty but also places less burden on the entire community (less crime, lower taxes, etc.).  Even though most people of higher income may think poverty does not impact them directly, it does effect them indirectly by placing an increased financial burden on governmental institutions that are strained by overuse (ie. welfare, criminal justice system) .

By developing skilled and financially independent individuals, a ripple effect of knowledge sharing occurs, as more share with more, TNL Foundation will have a broad impact. This can also have a positive impact on a person’s environment by strengthening ties within families and communities, lowering crime levels, and increasing generational wealth. TNL hopes to change mindsets of those who believed their lives could only have one outcome and demonstrate to them that anyone can reach That Next Level of success, happiness, and prosperity.