Plymouth United Church of Christ

Plymouth United Church of Christ (PUCC) (est. 1920) has a long and dedicated history to helping the surrounding community in Detroit through many programs. Beginning with the legacy of longtime Plymouth Pastor, Rev. Nicholas Hood Sr. and continuing with his son, the current pastor, Rev. Nicholas Hood, III, PUCC has embarked on several missions related to local children and their social and economic development. PUCC has developed low-income housing adjacent to the church, distributed computers to local deserving students, provided scholarships to college-bound students, provided gifts during the holidays to children and sent hundreds of students to summer camp in Michigan.

As members of PUCC for many years, Shawn and Kim Stafford have given to multiple programs. Because of PUCC’s history of strong vision of economic empowerment and dedication to supporting local students with a need, TNL will continue and expand its contributions to PUCC.

For more information on Plymouth United, visit their website at

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