On behalf of all of us here at Cornerstone, we want to extend our sincere thanks for your visit today. It was definitely a meaningful discussion and Q & A ~ the students could connect with you and we enjoyed seeing how attentive they can be when they like the subject, the topic and the speaker! Congrats. It was good to see the students so engaged and it was great to hear your story told so honestly.

You had quite an impact in sharing your personal philosophy of four factors contributing toward your success: Dream Big, Develop a Plan, Work Hard, and Never Quit. That truly resonated with us and with our students. Thank you for that! Loved the way you told your story, starting from an early age and through high school ~ very authentic. Thank you for taking the time to talk “with” the students and for answering their questions about net worth, budgets, importance of savings and your great philosophy……”pay yourself first”. Lastly, thank you for sharing your journey toward a successful and fulfilling life. We look forward to a long and lasting friendship with you.

Shawn, we hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday and weekend with your family. Oh, and by the way, your daughter Kennedy is absolutely lovely. Thank you for bringing her. :o)

Mona, Yolanda, David and Jeff


Mona J. Kidder
Career Readiness & Life Preparation Coach
Cornerstone Lincoln King High School

Cornerstone Mission:
To live the Complete Life, within a broad and beloved community. As expressed by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this Life is of three equal parts.
* Length ~ To live for a purpose born
* Breadth ~ To be a person for others
* Height ~ To know God
The journey requires: Humility, Patience, Joy, Courage, and Forgiveness.